In my political science class taught by a great faculty,came across a topic inequality ,some points like....inequality is natural,inequality can be reduced by hard work and all came up........but none talked about where it started.
inequality is a process evolved over years ,in very early times of human race itself there has been differences.even during the times where tribal system existed.there the best warrior in the tribal group was the leader of tribal are his subjects,they have to follow his words,they have to fight with other tribal groups in the name of women or other precious things.and if they win the properties will be possessed by leaders only...and as time progress leader become more and more the natural inequality,that's the the tribal leaders physical strength has bee used to turn him power and authoritarian.that's where it all started
i dont know how caste and sub caste system formulated...may be like the authoritarians,like the tribal leader was considered the chief,the leaders formed a class,they become the distinguished people in the community.
then in the modern era the English were the masters of the world,they were naturally crooked smarter and more enthusiastic that other races,they made modern equipments and aced above others.thus their natural features helped them take advantage over the rest of the world and exploit every resources.but when the exploited realized they are no underdogs in this world,they revolted with everything in their arms to eradicate the English monopoly.the whole of India revolted and struggled for freedom and achieved the necessary.but equality was not achieved,the evolved higher class,like landlords, jamindars who with the support of British empire where wealthier class by the time,they continued exploiting the peasants and laymen of the country.actually this happened around the world in different forms.but during 1970's a very strongly ideology based naxal movement strengthened in the country,which along with leftist groups fought for a better social setup which dreamed about a equal nation.but the movements went confined to some states where socialistic setup was somewhat achieved by redistribution of land and wealth.
then the rolling governments whoever it may be ,became the ruling class ,even though elected by people they were the class which determines the nation's fate.private enterprises blossomed with the support of governments.all these private enterprises basically had a good financial backup,and many others gained money through illegal activities.more public firms were converted or sold to private enterprises with government as middlemen.globalization also hammered down the common man and local market.we are now influenced by other developed nations.our economy is go up and down according to other nations economical growth.
so to conclude naturally everything is unequal in this world,but when the wealthier or powerful exploit or disturb the equilibrium that's when the true inequality to suppress it there should be protests and struggle.a mass movement is still a far away dream in our country,but in each small system,if you feel you are uncounted,there's inequality...protest against it...that's the only way to counter the phenomenon inequality.
note:i write what i feel,all this may be blunder of all time......